Ismail Sami
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy,
University of Cambridge,
27 Charles Babbage Road,
Cambridge, CB3 0FS
- University of Cambridge, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, PhD., 2019-present
- University of Cambridge, Graphene Technology (EPSRC CDT), MRes., 2019
- University of Manchester, Theoretical Physics, MPhys(Hons) 1st class, 2018
- University of Berkeley, Theoretical Physics, Study abroad, 2017
Research Experience:
- MRes in Graphene technology - University of Cambridge. Second dissertation rotation titled: YBCO - Hall effect in high-temperature superconductors, supervised by Dr. Suchitra Sebastian and Prof. Gilbert Lonzarich, 2019
- MRes in Graphene technology - University of Cambridge. First dissertation rotation titled: Bionic Algae - The interaction of graphene and algae for applications in bio-photovoltaics, supervised by Dr. Silvia Vignolini and Prof. Chris Howe, 2019
- MPhys in Theoretical Physics - University of Manchester. Dissertation titled: Dynamics of Football – Manchester City, supervised by Prof. Terry Wyatt FRS and Dr. Tobias Galla, 2018
- Summer research project - University of Manchester. Theoretical Physics department titled: The topological properties of graphene, supervised by Dr. Yang Xian, 2017
- Undergraduate researcher for the Earth and Sciences department. Using seismic tomography data from stations across California with Matlab to image volcanoes and determine their status supervised by Prof. Michael Manga, 2017